
How To Set Up Scarlett 2i2 With Fl Studio

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I recently wrote a review guide on the all-time sound interface for Fl studio 12 and 20, I also provided useful tips when buying an sound interface, only I was missing an important aspect in the review mail service linked higher up, which is installing and using an actual audio interface in Fl studio.

In this how-to guide, I volition show you 2 ways of installing an audio interface in Fl Studio, I will be using the popular Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 for this tutorial, but trust me, y'all can pretty much apply this to other audio interfaces provided information technology is of a USB audio interface,pack your bags, saddle upwards, and let's nut it out 😉

    1. Prerequisites:
    2. You need an audio interface
    3. FL Studio installed

Page Contents

  • Method 1.) Install Focusrite Scarlett Commuter Using A Driver Software
  • Method 2.) Install Focusrite Scarlett Driver Manually
  • Troubleshooting
    • Useful Related posts:

Method one.) Install Focusrite Scarlett Driver Using A Commuter Software

If you don't want to mess with installing drivers manually or the hurdle of finding a compatible commuter for your PC, and then this is the recommended style of installing a USB audio interface driver, it would automatically cheque the device/hardware plugged into your organisation, and find the correct drivers for yous.

Earlier, I show you the steps you need to take to install a commuter automatically using a commuter software, let me quickly requite a very brusk explanation of why you need to install a driver anytime you lot purchase a USB audio interface.

A commuter is a software or files provided past a hardware manufacturer which tells your operating system how to best communicate with the hardware. Audio interface commuter is necessary if you want your computer to know how to translate the point from the estimator to the sound card (Internal or external).

Now that you know why you need a sound carte, allow me piece of work you through the steps of installing a driver automatically.

  1. Plug-in your USB audio interface (This would make the below steps detectable)
  2. Install DriverPack Online
  3. Run the program, and permit it clarify your estimator organization, yous should see something like this:installing scarlett 2i2 driver 1
  4. Allow me salve yous from downloading boosted software when installing your audio interface driver. Driverpack would normally prove the below image, "Do non click install all automatically" as we but desire to download an audio driver and no additional software that came bundled with DriverPack, click on the expert mode (wait at the section the arrow is pointing to in the below image):Finding Scarleet driver in driver pack expert mode
  5. Having done that, click on Software on the left side, and make certain you untick all the ticked software listed in that section. Click on the Protection and Cleanup tab, again, untick all ticked boxes.Untick unnecessary software bundled with driverpack alt Doing this makes installing your audio interface manufacturer commuter a breeze (Focusrite Scarlett in this case).
  6. This is what you are here for, to install your audio interface commuter, click on the Drivers tab, in the left side, and you should be left with this option, untickFigurer diagnostics — based on DriverPack Cloud,4. Drivers tab in driverspack altand lastly, click on install to download and install the driver: (The obfuscate office is where you will see the version number, I blurred it out to avoid defoliation)Install focusrite scralett 2i2 sound card driver
  7. Driverspack would create a restore point (in case of corruption, so yous can restore to the previous land), and your audio interface would exist automatically installed, once installed, I'll recommend you restart your system, and that should get it upwards and running. (if the installation was unsuccessful, delight leap to Method 2, if otherwise, go along to the adjacent footstep.)
  8. Open upwardly Fl Studio, and select Options -> Audio Settings:Audio setting for audio interface driver
  9. Select Focusrite USB Audio,
    Select Focusrite USB Audio alt
    Selecting Focusrite Driver In Fl Studio 12
    Selecting Focusrite Driver In Fl Studio 20
    Selecting Focusrite Commuter In Fl Studio 20

    voila! you just successfully installed and activated a USB audio interface driver for Fl Studio 12/20. Note: You tin can utilise the aforementioned steps to any other USB audio interface, Adept Luck!

Method 2.) Install Focusrite Scarlett Driver Manually

If you lot follow the steps carefully, and your reckoner wasn't able to install the drivers correctly or it wasn't successful, I volition bear witness you a elementary method of installing the drivers manually, allow'southward go

  1. In guild for you lot to install an sound interface driver manually, y'all would demand to go to your manufacturer website, in this case, (Focusrite).
  2. Yous should see something similar to the below epitome when yous get to Focusrite drivers download page:Focusrite website
  3. Become-to Pick your product by type department, you'll see a dropdown of Focusrite audio interface drivers, select your product type, for this guide, I am installing Scarlett 2i2, so I'll be picking Scarlett 2i2 from the dropdown, having done, that, allow the page reloads and you lot should be presented with this:Expand sodtware section
  4. The next step you need to accept is to expand the SOFTWAREsection, click on the white arrow-downward to practise that, having washed that, you should encounter the below paradigm:Expanded software group in focusrite website
  5. The last step is to click download and follow the on-screen teaching to complete the installation:Download Focusrite Scarlett Audio Interface
  6. Once the installation is consummate, yous volition receive a prompt to restart your PC, take the prompt, or if you don't receive a prompt, then I recommend you lot restart your reckoner.
  7. Once your PC has been restarted, connect your audio interface, – if yous are on windows, you might come across a message displaying "Installing device commuter" this allows windows to properly assign the commuter to the interface, nothing fancy is done here.
  8. Confirm if the USB led lite on the front of the interface is on, if no, please try other USB port
  9. Open upwards Fl Studio, and select Options -> Audio Settings:Audio setting for audio interface driver
  10. Select Focusrite USB Audio,Select Focusrite USB Audio alt
    voila! you lot but successfully installed and activated a USB audio interface driver for Fl Studio. Notation: Yous can use the same steps to whatever other USB audio interface.


At the rarest level, the method listed above didn't work for yous, or you tried the steps to no avail, I understand the hurdle, and I have been on the same boat earlier, here are some steps you should accept.

  1. Confirm if you selected the right commuter for your audio interface, if no, please go through the steps carefully again.
  2. Carefully check, if the USB led calorie-free on the forepart of the interface is on, if no, please endeavor another USB port.
  3. If everything is working equally expected and y'all didn't detect the audio interface in your DAW (Fl Studio in this case), Become into the command console, press the Windows logo primal + X together, and select Control Panel:
    Goto controlpanel
    When you lot get to the control panel window, search for "Sound" and select "Change SoundCard Setting":Search for sound and select Change sound card settings image
  4. Select your audio interface equally default in both the Playback &Recording tab, if everything works as expected, you should see a green tick displayed beside the selected audio interface:Select Focusrite in the tab of Recording and Playback alt
  5. Go back into Fl Studio, open settings -> Sound settings and and so change the soundcard device to Focusrite USB Audio!

How To Set Up Scarlett 2i2 With Fl Studio,


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